A letter to the children from Mrs Hirst

Hello all,
It was strange in school today with so many of you not here. Things are a little upside down at the minute so I thought I would share with you some of the things in school that we are doing so we can all keep in touch.
Willow, Miss Pattison’s rabbit is in and enjoying the attention.
Lunchtime in the hall was a lot quieter and not as messy but we still played some music, Abba was a firm favourite today.
We all joined Joe Wicks on line for our exercise. Hope you did too!
I will keep in touch regularly by letter and through our website and Facebook and will send some photos of what we are doing here. You can share with us photographs of what you have been doing and any examples of work that you are really proud of.
Take care and know that we are all thinking of you and looking forward to when we are all back together again.
Mrs Hirst