Update from Mrs Hirst

Happy Friday everyone,
Hope you are all well and doing lots of good things at home. School is a lot quieter now most of you are not here.
For those who are still here in school, as well as completing our maths and English we have been in the garden starting to dig up the weeds, plant some seeds and making a willow fence. As the days warm up we are hoping to grow vegetables and flowers in which will help with our lessons in the summer.
We are still doing our PE each day, some days we join in with Joe Wicks and other days we do dance workouts.
We have also been painting superheroes and making capes and masks as well as decorating our fence with rainbows.
Next week, if you haven’t done so already, there will be lots of new learning on the VLE. Use the password you got in your packs to log on. There will also be a class blog so we can use that to keep in touch. If you have any problems with this, just let us know and we will sort them out for you.
Keep sending us pictures and messages of what you are getting up to.
Take care of yourselves and your families.
Best wishes,
Mrs Hirst