FAQ - Home Learning / VLE - PLEASE SHARE

Many of you are currently working from home whilst trying to manage childcare and supervising your child’s/ children’s learning. This is new to all of us and there is no right or wrong way to do it. We are recieving a lot of emails and calls and are doing our best to reply to all of you. I have put together some of the questions we have received and the responses given.
Mrs Hirst
Do I have to send back my child’s work each day?
No, there is no expectation to. If you are able to then great but send any completed work back as and when you can.
Is there an expectation to complete all of the work?
There is lots of work on the VLE but everyone is in different situations and every child is different. Many of these are suggestions and ideas, use them if they suit you and your child. Do what you can do and do not worry.
Someone in my child’s class has everything done and we’ve barely started. Will they fall behind?
Even if everything were equal in terms of support, time and number of children (which it’s not) all children learn at different rates. In the class there’s a wide range of levels in all subjects, there’s different paces and there are many children working on differentiated levels of work. Your child will not fall behind. This is all revision and reminder work. They will cover all of this again, multiple times once things get back to normal.
I’m not doing the work set with my children. All they want to do is build Lego, play on their device and play in the garden. Is that wrong?
All of this is learning -very valuable learning. Give yourself and them a break. This is a stressful time for you and your children and the most important thing is that the children feel safe and secure and that you are able to do all that you need to do.
How can I get different lots of work done with three different children of different ages?
You can’t, stop trying. If they’re old enough, try to get them to do little bits independently. Otherwise try to do something they can all engage with, reading a story together, some free writing, baking etc.
What’s ideal for children?
A bit of reading every day (independent or to them or via audiobook etc). Some free writing now and then. If they’ll keep a diary or something, great. If not, would they draw a comic? Practical hands on maths. Be that via cooking, cleaning, outside or some maths games, physical or digital. Some fine motor work. Lego, cutting, playdough, tidying up small toys. Physical exercise every day. Some art/music where possible through the week.
I’m struggling with the VLE, what should I do?
Mr Fraser has done a video guide on how to access VLE which should help. https://www.westparkacademy.org.uk/news/?pid=15&nid=1&storyid=333
It is all new and there will be a bit of time taken to iron out any glitches and log on issues. Don’t give up and let us know if there are problems and we can help!
My child has finished the reading books, what should I do?
Unfortunately, we cannot have people coming to school to have books changed. We would encourage you to share any stories you have at home and you can also register for Oxford Owl. That will give you access to over 100 free e-books!