School Return Survey

Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you so much for your patience at this time. Following the Government’s announcement that schools should prepare for opening from the 1st of June for children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, we have been working hard to ensure that we can make this happen as safely as possible.
To help us to do this we would be grateful if you would indicate whether you wish your child to return at this time by completing the survey below. There is no right or wrong answer to this and we appreciate how difficult it is to make this decision. In order to help you, we will be in contact with regular updates on our planning for this.
As I have said before, as schools reopen they will be very different places from the ones children left in March and whilst we will make the school welcoming and nurturing, we will be limiting social contact between children and staff, with no more than 15 in a class. We will also be observing strict guidelines around entering and leaving the school with staggered timings and designated drop offs.
We are in the process of completing a lengthy risk assessment and will be prioritising the health and safety of our children, staff and families. This will be shared with you all once complete.
We hope that many of your questions will have been answered by the document that we shared yesterday, however if you still have some unanswered questions please do not hesitate to contact the school either by email or phone.
Kind regards,
Mrs Hirst