Mrs Hirst's Challenge 8

So what have you done today to make you feel proud?
This weekend was the Summer Solstice, mid-summer which means we had the longest hours of daylight. On Saturday we had 16 hours and 38 minutes of daylight which was fantastic! It was a busy day, the sun shone for most of it and it was great to be outside.
Apart from the usual things to get done on a weekend, I went to my allotment and to my great delight there were loads of strawberries all ready to pick.
I took a photo of one I was particularly proud of as it was huge! Normally I don’t have a great crop but this year it has been great, I’ve been trying to make sure that they are watered and the sunshine has been great this year so they are doing well. They are all shapes and sizes but this one was a whopper and tasted really delicious too.
My challenge then is for you to share something that has made you feel proud, something you have achieved that you want to share with us.
Can’t wait to celebrate your achievements.
Mrs Hirst