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September Re-Opening

Dear Parents and Carers,                                             

We are so excited to be welcoming all children back to school in September. Our return date is Wednesday 2nd of September for all pupils except some new starters to Nursery and Reception who will be receiving their individual start date.

The purpose of this letter is to give you as much information about how school will look in September and some reassurance about the measures we have put in place.

In order to return as safely as possible we will be following the latest Government guidance. Children will be returning to school in year group “bubbles”. Children in year 2 upwards will be working at desks, facing forward. Children will be given their own equipment and any shared resources will be cleaned throughout the day.

All children will need to bring a bag with a hat, waterproof coat and a named water bottle. They will be wearing school uniform except for the days they have PE in which case they can come in their PE kit. They will not be allowed to bring other personal items from home.

Start and end of the school day

To avoid overcrowding at these times we are offering a more flexible start time.

Year group

Start time

End time

Entry/ Exit point

Year 1




Year 2


External door/ Yard

Year 3


Hall door/ Yard

Year 4


Hall door/Yard

Year 5


Own external doors

Year 6


Own external doors


External class doors will be open at 8:45am. Children will not line up but just go straight into their classroom where they will wash their hands and register. The doors will close at 9:15 and formal teaching begins. There will be staff available to direct you and your child to the right place and we will also be producing guidance on our website prior to reopening.

We will have a single file walk way and parents are asked to maintain social distancing. Year 5 and 6 children, we are asking parents to drop children off and pick up at the main gates.

We will be sending out a home school agreement that we ask all to adhere to.

Children who have not returned to school already will be receiving letters that will help them understand why some of the routines and classroom layout has changed.

Many thanks for all your support,

Mrs Hirst