Mrs Hirst's Letter

Dear parents and carers,
As we reach the end of another week in school, I would just like to take this opportunity to keep you updated with how things are progressing.
The children have returned really well and we remain focussed on settling them back into the new rhythm of school life and catching up with learning missed. The children have adapted well to the toileting and handwashing routines we have had to put in place and that are now built into part of their school day.
Can I take this opportunity to thank all of you who are observing social distancing on entry to school and once within the school grounds. With the rise in numbers in the locality, it is even more important that all adhere to this in the interests of our whole community.
The flexible start is working well and the vast majority of children are in school by 9:15am. There has been an increase in children arriving after this time. Please note that this will go down as late and will affect attendance.
A number of parents have approached me whilst on the gate as to whether Year 4, 5 and 6 children can walk home unaccompanied. We do allow this but the school office must be informed.
Now we are back, we feel that we can begin to offer some of our extended services. As of the week beginning the 28th September we will be able to offer Breakfast Club. It won’t be quite the same as it was, we will require all children to be booked in a week in advance via the office, there will be an 8:15am-8:30am drop off and places will be limited but it is a step in the right direction.
I would like to wish you a lovely weekend, long may this lovely weather continue.
Many thanks,
Mrs Hirst