Autumn Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,
As we come to the end of what has been an unprecedented half term, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you so much for your support and adaptability. Each morning it is an absolute pleasure to see you and your children, it sets me up for the day and provides a really bright spot in these uncertain times.
On Friday the 6th November 2020, children in Years 1-6 will be bringing home their interim report. This will detail how well children are doing in their core against age-related expectations, how well they have settled since return and suggestions about how you can help at home. If you require a follow up phone call to discuss this further, this will be made available.
A quick plea. Over lockdown we sent home reading books. Many have come back into school but if there are any that turn up please can they be returned as soon as possible so we can complete an audit and replenish where necessary.
Friday the 23rd October 2020 is a training day so school will be closed for children. We will reopen on the 2nd November 2020.
I hope you have a lovely and safe half term break and look forward to seeing you at the gate.
Kind regards,
Mrs Hirst