Letter to Parents - Reopening
Dear Parents and Carers
We are so excited to be welcoming all children back to school on 8th March and can’t wait to see you and the children again! You have done a wonderful job in very difficult circumstances but we are very relieved that there is some return to normality. We know that for some children that have not been in school for a while, they might be a little nervous so teachers will be contacting them next week, via individual phone calls or Teams and will talk to them about any of their concerns.
The expectation is that all children will return to school unless they have a medical certificate stating that they are extremely clinically vulnerable. The safety of the staff and children in our care is paramount in our planning. Children and staff will remain in year group bubbles and staff are undergoing twice weekly testing.
Below I have outlined some of our procedures so that we can have as smooth a return as possible.
Entry and Exit
Flexible start - We will be opening our gates, both the main gate and the top gate from 8:45am and children will be able to come at any time between 8:45am - 9:10am. We politely request that only one adult accompany children on to site and that all adults wear a face covering.
Staggered Finish
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - 3:10pm finish
Year 3 and Year 4 - 3:20pm finish
Nursery, Year 5 and Year 6 - 3:30pm finish
We will ensure that the children are out promptly at their allotted time, if parents could clear the site quickly as we are aware that this can be a busy time on the playground.
Uniform and Kit
We are trying to limit the amount of equipment coming to and from school. Please can children not bring any items from home other than the following:
All children to return wearing school uniform unless it is a PE day, when children should come to school in their PE kit. Individual classes will be notified as to which days these are.
All children should bring a named water bottle on a Monday which will return home with them on a Friday.
Outdoor shoes, preferably wellies, are essential due to the conditions of the grass and the wilderness area. Children should bring them in on a Monday and they will take them home on a Friday. (Due to the requirement for bubbles, we have to use all of our outdoor areas regardless of weather conditions)
School Meals
We are able to offer all children hot meals. Please notify the school office in advance if you want to change from packed lunch to school meals or vice versa.
Staff are currently busy planning for children’s return. Whilst we will be delivering additional sessions in core skills to help children to address missed learning in key areas, we will be ensuring that a broad range of subjects are taught to make school enjoyable and relevant for all children.
Thank you all once again for all your hard work and support. It has been a hard time but there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel.
Take care and see you all very soon.
Mrs Hirst