Summer Letter to parents

Dear Parents and Carers,
It is so lovely to welcome everyone back to what is, despite the temperatures, the summer term.
Summer is a lovely time to be in school, with opportunities for outdoor learning and really appreciating the lovely grounds we have here. Moving forward, we are looking to slowly reintroducing some outdoor after-school clubs, which is very exciting and offers us real hope for the future.
Although the country begins to open up and there is a slow relaxation of the lockdown measures, we still need to adhere to the risk assessments we have in place in school and as such staggered starts and finish times, which will remain as well as the other measures such as social distancing, bubbles etc for the near future. We will of course keep you updated as things change.
In the next two weeks, your child’s teacher will be speaking to you regarding your child’s learning and wellbeing. It is hard to talk about progress in learning after such a disjointed year, but do not be anxious about this. Learning will come when children are happy and feel secure. It has been such a disorientating time for everyone, children included; our priority is to ensure that children are well settled and adjusted to the routine of school life.
Many thanks to those parents who have already responded to our wellbeing questionnaire as always your views are important to us and help us to shape the way we do things.
As always, many many thanks for your continued support. We are very much a team and look to work together with you to make West Park Academy the very best experience for the children in our community.
I look forward to seeing you each morning if you bring your child to school and if not please know that we will always make time to talk to you about your child, despite the strange times we find ourselves in.
Kind regards,
Mrs Hirst