End of Year Summer Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,
As another strange year draws to a close, we are looking with hope to September and things returning to a more normal rhythm. We now need to ensure that we focus on the two priorities of addressing missed education and making sure that all our children are happy and enjoy all aspects of school life.
Start and finish times
To help us do this, from September, we will resume our normal start and finish times. All children will start at 8:45am and finish school at 3:30pm. We will still be retaining different entrances for the different year groups to avoid crowding on the yard for the present time. All children have had the opportunity to meet their new teacher this week and the Teaching Assistants who will be working in their year groups as well as receiving Meet the Teacher letters so they should be familiar to them.
Nursery – own door
Reception, Year 1 and 2 to line up on the yard in their class groups. These will be signposted and their new teacher will meet them there.
Year 3 & 4 Hall Doors (Year 3 nearest door)
Year 5 & 6 own classroom doors
Please can parents of children in Year 5 and 6 and children in Year 4 who are used to walking in through the hall, please drop them at the main gate and the children will walk round on their own - again this is to avoid too much crowding.
Return to school uniform
All children to come to school in school uniform and bring their PE kits on the days they do PE (class teachers will let you know). PE kits can remain in school for the half term.
School uniform- No jewellery or false nails (small studs permitted but must be taped for PE lessons)
- Grey or black trousers, pinafore or skirt
- Yellow or purple polo shirt
- Green sweatshirt or cardigan
PE Kit
- Yellow, purple or white t-shirt
- Green or black shorts
- plimsolls
- trainers
- sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms for the cold weather
School lunches
All year groups will be eating their lunches in the dinner hall and the cook has designed an exciting new menu - please see website for choices. Any change to your child’s meal pattern please inform the school office.
Dates for Diary
Return to school - Thursday 2nd September 2021
Harvest - 10th October 2021 we will be collecting tinned and dried goods for Darlington Food Bank
Parents Consultation w/c 18th - 20th October 2021
School closed for training - 21st and 22nd October 2021
Half term - w/c 25th October 2021
After School Clubs
We are a huge believer in the benefits of after school clubs on our children. We see them improve their social skills, relationships across the school as well as health and wellbeing. This year we have managed to offer a limited programme of these but in September we are keen to resume our full programme. More details will follow in September.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club will be able to operate at full capacity from September. We offer children cereal and toast and the opportunity to do artwork or play games. It is open from 8am and children can arrive at any point up to 8:30am on a morning and are then escorted to their classes for 8:45am. The charge is £2.25 a day, there is no need to book, and entrance is at the hall doors. Children entitled to FSM can attend free of charge.
I would like to say a huge thank you for all your support for the school during what has been a very difficult year for everyone. I know that you have had to adapt and juggle throughout what has been an almost impossible year and I have nothing but admiration for how you have coped.
Finally, I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff, who have gone above and beyond to keep learning going no matter what this year has thrown at them. They have been amazing and I am so lucky to work with them. I would like to say good bye to some staff who are leaving us today. These include Mrs Patan, who has worked at West Park for 20 years and made such a difference to the many children she has supported over the years.
We all wish you a very enjoyable summer; I hope the sun shines and you have some time to enjoy being together. I look forward to seeing you all in September.
Mrs Hirst