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End of Year Letter July 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

As this school year draws to a close, and we approach the last day of term, I want to thank each and every one of you for supporting your child over the year with their home learning, getting them to school on time and back into a routine. It has been a tricky year, with some children struggling with the return to school and the catching up of lost learning. It makes such a difference working in partnership together to do this.

I also want to thank every child for all the memories, hard work and the learning that we have shared over the year.

It has been a busy but enjoyable year. We have achieved another Active Mark Gold, for our PE provision, we have had many trips and outings and of course our amazing STEM week.

As the school closes on Thursday for our Year 6 children, another door is opening for them as they embark on the next stage of their educational journey. They go to their secondary schools as wonderful, thoughtful young people, well-equipped to thrive. We are so proud of each one.

Children have learnt so many things during their time with us, and I am pleased to report that progress and attainment are both amazing.

These are important things of course, but children have also learnt many more equally valuable things, including how to be a good friend, how to resolve conflict, how to persevere, how to find their own solutions and how to always do their best. We cannot always “be the best”, but we can always “do our best” and I hope the children understand this and take it away with them.

Thank you personally for all your cheery greetings each day; it is a pleasure to be part of such a fantastic community.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Best wishes,

Mrs Hirst