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Parent's Newsletter - Autumn 1

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a huge pleasure to welcome children back to school after the summer break. Seeing the children in their smart uniforms, looking a little taller ready for the challenges of busy and exciting new school year.

On Mondays and Tuesdays, I am joined on the gate by Mrs Conway, our new Home School Family Support Worker. Both she and I are available for chats and to answer any questions you may have. She is in school on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and on our next school newsletter she will be introducing herself and sharing her contact details. As we move into what might prove to be a financially difficult time for families, her role in school is to support families in whatever capacity and help signpost them to external services that may help. This term, we will be hosting a Macmillan coffee morning (details to follow in our newsletter) as an opportunity for all parents who wish to, to come into school to meet some of the pastoral team.

In addition to our academic curriculum it is our role to support children in their personal development. Being ready to learn is a key to this. We are keen that all our children are happy coming into school, dressed appropriately and on time. (The link between attendance, punctuality and achievement are well proven and we have lots of learning to do. Lessons begin promptly at 8:50 so it is important children are on the yard by 8:45am each day). If you are experiencing any difficulty in these areas, please get in touch so that we can help you.

It was with great sadness today that we held a school assembly to mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. In this we explored her legacy and gave thanks to her hard work and service to our country. We will be exploring this further over the coming weeks but if any children are struggling with grief we have resources we can share with you.

As you know, I believe that we work in partnership to make sure that all our children have the very best start to their education and every opportunity to thrive. This year is a year full of promise and opportunity for our children as we emerge from the pandemic. None of us are free from the impact of global situations on aspects of our lives, but as a community I believe we can support those experiencing hardship and support each other through this time.

I wish you all a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

Mrs Hirst