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Christmas Letter

Dear All,

As the first term draws to a close, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on how far the children have come since September. Looking at work in books, dropping into lessons and walking around school, I see staff and children working hard, thinking hard and being curious. The children have learnt so much about the world around them, the people who have made a difference to their lives and the lives of others and they realising their potential to also make their mark and make a positive contribution.  

An example of this is all our student leaders, who make positive differences each day. We have our Reader Leaders who use their lunchtimes to hear younger children read, our Eco Ambassadors who make recommendations as to how we can improve our sustainability, our School Councillors who look at how we make our school a better place and our Play Leaders who support children at lunchtimes with activities. I would like to thank each and every one of them for being such an inspiration.

In addition, all of our children have commemorated Anti-Bullying Week with odd socks and a 'Kindness curriculum'. They have supported Children in Need Day, the local foodbank with harvest donations and the choir have entertained local residents with their singing. We have discovered the benefits of getting outside on our mental health and wellbeing as well as achieving Gold for our sporting curriculum and commitment to healthy living. We have welcomed visitors into our school including the fire service, musicians, magicians and Barratt Homes. In turn, we have visited the local area, its museums, its theatres, its monuments and its significant buildings. We have travelled both locally and further afield with our older children experiencing the great outdoors at Robinwood in what has turned out to be the coldest week of the year.

In the fortnight where we donned our Christmas jumpers, enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner, made cards and ensured our town is bedecked in beautiful decorations adoring many of the Christmas trees in the town centre, it has been lovely to see the children enjoying all that the season has to offer.

As the year ends, I would like to thank you all for you thoughtfulness, support and unfailing cheer as you drop your children off each morning. I hope you have a magical time with your family and friends over the winter break and come back to school on Wednesday 4th January 2023, refreshed and rested.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to everyone!

Kind regards,

Mrs Hirst and all the staff at West Park Academy